设计师专访:马承志 以其同名地点的景观和历史蕴含为荣耀
2019-12-09 15:06 来源:雅虎旅游
作为中国首都首家文华东方酒店,北京王府井文华东方酒店坐拥紫禁城绝美景致,由享誉全球的赫希贝德纳联合设计顾问公司(HBA)倾力打造。作为一座现代庭院式建筑,HBA合伙人、项目设计师马承志(Federico Masin)表示:“我们选择使用的表达方式显然是现代的,但同时又借鉴了中国传统和手工艺术。”王府井文华东方酒店坐落于北京繁华的中心地带,紫禁城近在咫尺,为国际游客和当地客人提供独特而终身难忘的体验。
FedericoMasin 马承志先生
Q: As the main interior designer of Mandarin Oriental Wangfujing, could you share with us the hotel’s unique design? What kind of experience could this design bring to the guests?
A: The main idea is to emulate the architectural experience offered by the courtyard mansions that used to populate this area of Beijing: their intimacy, their charm.
Q: As we know, you have designed lots of hotels, including Grand Hyatt Macau, Shanghai Hongqiao Intercontinental Hotel, Tianjin Shangri-La Hotel and so on. In hospitality design, do you have any principles that you always insist?
A: I believe that architecture has 2 main levels at which it communicates, one is universal and affects all humans equally. At this level the wise use of planning strategies, geometries, scales alignments and so forth, helps us guiding the experience through the space in the way we envision it.
There is then a more subtle second level that has to deal with psychological and cultural aspects and this is much more subtle and intuitive and requires a more specific knowledge of the guests and the culture that the project is immerse within.
I always try to look at both aspects equally, ignoring the notion of styles and focusing solely on communicating the idea we set out to communicate through the use of architectural features and finishes that hit the two levels described above. Itis interesting to notice that every project is different as it pursues a different idea, it’s the method that guides it that is constant not the results.
Q:We know that you graduated from the University of Architecture of Venice (IUAV), specialized in architectural and interior design and started your career as an architecture designer, and then shift to interior design. In your opinion, is there any commonality between architecture design and interior design?
A:In Italy in particular and in Europe in general, we see design as the art of solving a specific problem and communicating a particular idea.
It’s not surprising tome that most of Italian industrial designers for furniture, cars or even fashion are actually architects by education.
In many ways we study architecture to learn a highly structured method to solve a design problem and we apply that method at various scales. So to me architecture and interior design are different only in scale. Beyond that there are slightly different techniques that are easy to learn.
Q: Hotel design industry is growing rapidly. How do you meet the needs of the changing design requirements?
A:If learn how to learn you hold the key to constantly adapt to the evolution of the industry. We never copy the previous projects, every time we start afresh and we find out where the new condition leads us.
Q: Last but not least,please share with us your acquirements in your hotel design career.
A:I have been workingin this industry for twenty years now and I feel I’m still a beginner, learninghis way through the industry. When I look back there are many projects I’mproud of, many small ideas that have helped moving the industry forward andmany people I loved to work with, including my colleagues, clients and operatorsand so on. It’s a process and I’m in the middle of it, I don’t find I haveachieved that much and I prefer to think of at myself as a beginner in order tokeep my mind open and excited to the ideas I haven’t yet thought of.
HBA/赫希贝德纳联合设计顾问公司是全球著名的室内设计公司,被《室内设计》(INTERIOR DESIGN)誉为“酒店室内设计业翘楚”。HBA为当今奢侈品牌酒店塑造别具象征性的设计,向世人揭晓了众多万众期待的酒店、度假村、水疗中心、娱乐场、餐厅、邮轮、独立现代精品酒店以及世界级豪宅项目。自1965年以来,HBA坚持不懈地引领世界酒店室内设计行业的发展,紧紧跟随着由日益成熟的住客主导的市场脉搏。其国际化的发展进程、资深的设计经验和丰富的行业知识使其能够在第一时间把握室内设计流行趋势,对未来的发展动向与创新趋势作出决定性的预测,从而在全球层面上影响着室内设计标准。HBA的终极目标是为项目的持有者与经营者增值、提高标准并提升品牌。
HBA的设计遍布世界,每一件作品都对地方特色、建筑形态以及客户理念作出独特又敏锐的诠释。HBA于全球多个主要城市设立22家设计办公室,拥有逾1700名来自世界各地的优秀设计师,堪称真正的全球性公司。结合其国际影响力与对于室内设计行业的深厚理解,HBA通过对每一个新项目的演绎不断增进着它对于设计语言的诠释能力。过去六年间,HBA增设了多个全新设计部门,其分支包括Illuminate灯光设计、HBA Resort、Studio HBA、Canvas艺术品顾问、HBA Architecture建筑设计、HBA Graphics标识与平面设计工作室、HBAResidential、HBA PRODUCTS与HBA Gaming。
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