2019-10-30 21:33 来源:雅虎生活
My name is Lauren and I have been living in Beijing for 4 years. I’ve been a NIU N1S rider for half of that time and it has fundamentally changed the way I live my life by making the city much smaller.
我的名字是劳伦,我在北京生活了4年。我有一半时间都是小牛 N1S骑手,通过它,城市变得更小了,从根本上改变了我的生活方式。
I currently work at Greenpeace and focus on rerouting financial flows from coal into renewable energy. Much of my work requires going back and forth across the city to meetings, which is where having a NIU scooter has been crucial. Many of these meetings are with people who are just in China temporarily for work and are always amazed to see both a foreigner riding a scooter, and to see such a good quality scooter in Beijing. Being able to pull up to work functions or meetings on such a noticeably classy scooter has been a great kick off for questions about sustainability- with the first always being a surprised- “Is that electric?”
Working at an NGO, I am very cognizant of the impact that our daily lives can have on the environment, and also that every little effort counts. With the amount of carbon and city pollution coming from traditional vehicles, electric vehicles are a necessary transition to realize climate goals. While much of Beijing’s power comes from fossil fuels currently, the power mix is in a process of change as more renewable energy sources are coming on the grid, meaning that as the automotive industry develops the best technology for a transition to electric vehicles, the power mix will be changing as well to ensure battery charging is also green in the future.
In Beijing, aside from the work that I do, I volunteer for an organization called the Beijing Energy Network, which is a grassroots organization that puts on environmental and energy related events in China to give people working on issues here to amplify their voices. The Beijing Energy Network also has a podcast called Environment China, which I do the audio recording for. In terms of non-environmental activities I am involved in, I go to a team-based gym called F45 and often play lacrosse and basketball on pick-up teams around the city. While many of my fellow volunteers in the Beijing Energy Network opt for riding bicycles instead of electric scooters, squeezing all of these activities plus work into a normal day would not be possible without the mobility provided by my NIU N1S.
NIU has become a huge part of my lifestyle in Beijing. The battery capacity and speed have allowed me to fit far more into my day than I ever thought possible. A normal day for me requires about 40km of travel and my NIU scooter allows me to do that on a single charge. The ease of charging as well means if I need to do something extra in a day, I can just bring my charger along to work and expand my reach that much more. The comfort and size of the scooter allows me extra carrying capacity comfortably whether that is a large grocery run, or dropping a friend off at home after a night out. The large space under the seat allows me to always have gym clothes on hand if I find free time in my day and the charging port on the front panel allows for ease in getting some extra charge in my phone before having to take notes in a meeting.
I have overall had very positive experiences riding my NIU scooter. With any issues that have arisen, I have found the customer service to be incredible. If my tires need air, my scooter becomes very dirty, or my side view mirror fell loose by someone parking too close to me, I can go into the NIU retail store from which I originally purchased my scooter and the problems are always sorted quickly and at little to no fee. If I have a concern with a light that comes up on my dashboard, or my scooter experiencing any other mechanical issue, I know that I am welcome to come into the store and get it looked at without the pressure of feeling like I need to pay to find the problem. This has honestly been one of the most unique and valuable benefits of being part of the NIU family which differs from other electric scooters in Beijing.
Both my partner and I ride NIU N1S scooters and frequently talk about how much better our lives have been in Beijing since the purchase. In a city where the Subway is unpleasantly packed at rush hour, cabs are impossible to get if there’s even the slightest hint of rain, or traffic is just entirely debilitating if you do manage to catch a cab, the ability to get around quickly and smoothly is invaluable.
My group of friends truly looks ridiculous when we set out for social events in the city because we all have NIU scooters. The ability to all go at the same speed brings ease to the ride and the feeling of camaraderie among other NIU drivers on the road is palpable. I have personally been pleasantly surprised to see the huge growth in locals and foreign students adopting NIU scooters as well, as it originally appeared to be a predominant trait of working foreigners in Beijing. With the expansion of different styles, sizes, and price options, it has become an accessible but still viable option for those looking to buy an electric scooter.
While the rules are changing in Beijing and they are cracking down on various pros of the NIU N1S such as the ability to have a second person on your scooter and the speed at which the scooter can go, the rules are slow to come into play and I am still taking advantage of these huge benefits. Even when the rules do change, I believe NIU will continue to do what it does best and make comfortable, intuitive, and well designed scooters that will fit into peoples lifestyles as it has with mine.
虽然北京的规则正在发生变化,他们正在对小牛 N1S的各种专业技术形成压力,例如不能载人以及电动车限速。这些规则有缓冲期,我仍然在利用其中巨大的利益。即使规则确实发生了变化,我相信小牛将继续做它最擅长的事情,制作出舒适、美观、设计精良的电动车,与我的生活方式一样。
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